- September 28, 2024raharaas saahibRehras Sahib so dhar raag aasaa mahalaa pehilaaSo Dar~ That Door. Raag Aasaa, First Mehla: ikOankaar satigur prasaadh ||One…
- September 28, 2024raamakalee mahalaa teejaa ana(n)dhuRaamkalee, Third Mehla, Anand The Song Of Bliss:ikOankaar satigur prasaadh ||One Universal Creator God. By The Grace…
- September 28, 2024Kabaio Baacha Benatee IlSpeech of the poet. Choupaee IIChaupai Hamaree Karo Haatha Dai Rachhaa IIProtect me O Lord! with Thine…
- September 27, 2024ikOankaar satigur prasaadh ||The Lord is One and he can be attained through the grace of the True Guru. paatishaahee…
- September 27, 2024Ik onkar satgur parsad.The Lord is One and the victory is of the Lord. JAAPName of the Bani: Japu Sahib…
- September 27, 2024ik oNkaarThere is Only One GodSat NaamTruth is His Namekartaa purakh nirbh-a-o nirvair akaal mooratHe is the Creator, Protector, Without…