raharaas saahibRehras Sahib so dhar raag aasaa mahalaa pehilaaSo Dar~ That Door. Raag Aasaa, First Mehla: ikOankaar satigur prasaadh ||One…
raamakalee mahalaa teejaa ana(n)dhuRaamkalee, Third Mehla, Anand The Song Of Bliss:ikOankaar satigur prasaadh ||One Universal Creator God. By The Grace…
Kabaio Baacha Benatee IlSpeech of the poet. Choupaee IIChaupai Hamaree Karo Haatha Dai Rachhaa IIProtect me O Lord! with Thine…
ikOankaar satigur prasaadh ||The Lord is One and he can be attained through the grace of the True Guru. paatishaahee…
Ik onkar satgur parsad.The Lord is One and the victory is of the Lord. JAAPName of the Bani: Japu Sahib…
ik oNkaarThere is Only One GodSat NaamTruth is His Namekartaa purakh nirbh-a-o nirvair akaal mooratHe is the Creator, Protector, Without…