Turban is and has been an inseparable part of a Sikh’s life. Since Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the founder of Sikhism, all Sikhs have been wearing a turban. All Sikh Gurus wore a turban. The Sikh rehat Maryada (Sikh code of conduct) especially says that all Sikhs must wear a turban.
Sikhs believe that God made you perfect as a part of his creation. So they don’t alter the body for earthly reasons. They keep the hair to respect God. To keep hair neat and clean Sikhs cover their head (men) with Turban (women) with a scarf or turban.
Turban can be used in any color which you prefer and also match it according to your outfit. But the below-mentioned colors are most used for turban.
There is no hard-fast rule to tie a turban in a specific style. But over the period a few turban styles have become quite famous. Those are as mentioned.
This Turban infographic above shows you most of everything to know about Turban in simple terms. So share this infographic with as many people as possible.