Categories: Nitnem

Salok Mahalla 9 English Translation

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

salok mehalaa 9 ||
Shalok, Ninth Mehl:

gun gobindh gaaeiou nehee janam akaarathh keen ||
If you do not sing the Praises of the Lord, your life is rendered useless.

kahu naanak har bhaj manaa jih bidhh jal ko meen ||1||
Says Nanak, meditate, vibrate upon the Lord; immerse your mind in Him, like the fish in the water. ||1||

bikhian sio kaahae rachiou nimakh n hohi oudhaas ||
Why are you engrossed in sin and corruption? You are not detached, even for a moment!

kahu naanak bhaj har manaa parai n jam kee faas ||2||
Says Nanak, meditate, vibrate upon the Lord, and you shall not be caught in the noose of death. ||2||

tharanaapo eio hee gaeiou leeou jaraa than jeeth ||
Your youth has passed away like this, and old age has overtaken your body.

kahu naanak bhaj har manaa aoudhh jaath hai beeth ||3||
Says Nanak, meditate, vibrate upon the Lord; your life is fleeting away! ||3||

biradhh bhaeiou soojhai nehee kaal pehoochiou aan ||
You have become old, and you do not understand that death is overtaking you.

kahu naanak nar baavarae kio n bhajai bhagavaan ||4||
Says Nanak, you are insane! Why do you not remember and meditate on God? ||4||

dhhan dhaaraa sanpath sagal jin apunee kar maan ||
Your wealth, spouse, and all the possessions which you claim as your own

ein mai kashh sangee nehee naanak saachee jaan ||5||
– none of these shall go along with you in the end. O Nanak, know this as true. ||5||

pathith oudhhaaran bhai haran har anaathh kae naathh ||
He is the Saving Grace of sinners, the Destroyer of fear, the Master of the masterless.

kahu naanak thih jaaneeai sadhaa basath thum saathh ||6||
Says Nanak, realize and know Him, who is always with you. ||6||

than dhhan jih tho ko dheeou thaan sio naehu n keen ||
He has given you your body and wealth, but you are not in love with Him.

kahu naanak nar baavarae ab kio ddolath dheen ||7||
Says Nanak, you are insane! Why do you now shake and tremble so helplessly? ||7||

than dhhan sanpai sukh dheeou ar jih neekae dhhaam ||
He has given you your body, wealth, property, peace and beautiful mansions.

kahu naanak sun rae manaa simarath kaahi n raam ||8||
Says Nanak, listen, mind: why don’t you remember the Lord in meditation? ||8||

sabh sukh dhaathaa raam hai dhoosar naahin koe ||
The Lord is the Giver of all peace and comfort. There is no other at all.

kahu naanak sun rae manaa thih simarath gath hoe ||9||
Says Nanak, listen, mind: meditating in remembrance on Him, salvation is attained. ||9||

jih simarath gath paaeeai thih bhaj rae thai meeth ||
Remembering Him in meditation, salvation is attained; vibrate and meditate on Him, O my friend.

kahu naanak sun rae manaa aoudhh ghattath hai neeth ||10||
Says Nanak, listen, mind: your life is passing away! ||10||

paanch thath ko than rachiou jaanahu chathur sujaan ||
Your body is made up of the five elements; you are clever and wise – know this well.

]jih thae oupajiou naanakaa leen thaahi mai maan ||11||
Believe it – you shall merge once again into the One, O Nanak, from whom you originated. ||11||

]ghatt ghatt mai har joo basai santhan kehiou pukaar ||
The Dear Lord abides in each and every heart; the Saints proclaim this as true.

kahu naanak thih bhaj manaa bho nidhh outharehi paar ||12||
Says Nanak, meditate and vibrate upon Him, and you shall cross over the terrifying world-ocean. ||12||

sukh dhukh jih parasai nehee lobh mohu abhimaan ||
One who is not touched by pleasure or pain, greed, emotional attachment and egotistical pride

kahu naanak sun rae manaa so moorath bhagavaan ||13||
– says Nanak, listen, mind: he is the very image of God. ||13||

ousathath nindhiaa naahi jihi kanchan loh samaan ||
One who is beyond praise and slander, who looks upon gold and iron alike

kahu naanak sun rae manaa mukath thaahi thai jaan ||14||
– says Nanak, listen, mind: know that such a person is liberated. ||14||

harakh sog jaa kai nehee bairee meeth samaan ||
One who is not affected by pleasure or pain, who looks upon friend and enemy alike

kahu naanak sun rae manaa mukath thaahi thai jaan ||15||
– says Nanak, listen, mind: know that such a person is liberated. ||15||

bhai kaahoo ko dhaeth nehi nehi bhai maanath aan ||
One who does not frighten anyone, and who is not afraid of anyone else

kahu naanak sun rae manaa giaanee thaahi bakhaan ||16||
– says Nanak, listen, mind: call him spiritually wise. ||16||

jihi bikhiaa sagalee thajee leeou bhaekh bairaag ||
One who has forsaken all sin and corruption, who wears the robes of neutral detachment

kahu naanak sun rae manaa thih nar maathhai bhaag ||17||
– says Nanak, listen, mind: good destiny is written on his forehead. ||17||

jihi maaeiaa mamathaa thajee sabh thae bhaeiou oudhaas ||
One who renounces Maya and possessiveness and is detached from everything

kahu naanak sun rae manaa thih ghatt breham nivaas ||18||
– says Nanak, listen, mind: God abides in his heart. ||18||

jihi praanee houmai thajee karathaa raam pashhaan ||
That mortal, who forsakes egotism, and realizes the Creator Lord

kahu naanak vahu mukath nar eih man saachee maan ||19||
– says Nanak, that person is liberated; O mind, know this as true. ||19||

bhai naasan dhuramath haran kal mai har ko naam ||
In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the Name of the Lord is the Destroyer of fear, the Eradicator of evil-mindedness.

nis dhin jo naanak bhajai safal hohi thih kaam ||20||
Night and day, O Nanak, whoever vibrates and meditates on the Lord’s Name, sees all of his works brought to fruition. ||20||

jihabaa gun gobindh bhajahu karan sunahu har naam ||
Vibrate with your tongue the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe; with your ears, hear the Lord’s Name.

kahu naanak sun rae manaa parehi n jam kai dhhaam ||21||
Says Nanak, listen, man: you shall not have to go to the house of Death. ||21||

jo praanee mamathaa thajai lobh moh ahankaar ||
That mortal who renounces possessiveness, greed, emotional attachment and egotism

kahu naanak aapan tharai aouran laeth oudhhaar ||22||
– says Nanak, he himself is saved, and he saves many others as well. ||22||

jio supanaa ar paekhanaa aisae jag ko jaan ||
Like a dream and a show, so is this world, you must know.

ein mai kashh saacho nehee naanak bin bhagavaan ||23||
None of this is true, O Nanak, without God. ||23||

nis dhin maaeiaa kaaranae praanee ddolath neeth ||
Night and day, for the sake of Maya, the mortal wanders constantly.

kottan mai naanak kooo naaraaein jih cheeth ||24||
Among millions, O Nanak, there is scarcely anyone, who keeps the Lord in his consciousness. ||24||

jaisae jal thae budhabudhaa oupajai binasai neeth ||
As the bubbles in the water well up and disappear again,

jag rachanaa thaisae rachee kahu naanak sun meeth ||25||
so is the universe created; says Nanak, listen, O my friend! ||25||

praanee kashhoo n chaethee madh maaeiaa kai andhh ||
The mortal does not remember the Lord, even for a moment; he is blinded by the wine of Maya.

kahu naanak bin har bhajan parath thaahi jam fandhh ||26||
Says Nanak, without meditating on the Lord, he is caught by the noose of Death. ||26||

jo sukh ko chaahai sadhaa saran raam kee laeh ||
If you yearn for eternal peace, then seek the Sanctuary of the Lord.

kahu naanak sun rae manaa dhuralabh maanukh dhaeh ||27||
Says Nanak, listen, mind: this human body is difficult to obtain. ||27||

maaeiaa kaaran dhhaavehee moorakh log ajaan ||
For the sake of Maya, the fools and ignorant people run all around.

kahu naanak bin har bhajan birathhaa janam siraan ||28||
Says Nanak, without meditating on the Lord, life passes away uselessly. ||28||

jo praanee nis dhin bhajai roop raam thih jaan ||
That mortal who meditates and vibrates upon the Lord night and day – know him to be the embodiment of the Lord.

har jan har anthar nehee naanak saachee maan ||29||
There is no difference between the Lord and the humble servant of the Lord; O Nanak, know this as true. ||29||

man maaeiaa mai fadhh rehiou bisariou gobindh naam ||
The mortal is entangled in Maya; he has forgotten the Name of the Lord of the Universe.

kahu naanak bin har bhajan jeevan kounae kaam ||30||
Says Nanak, without meditating on the Lord, what is the use of this human life? ||30||

praanee raam n chaethee madh maaeiaa kai andhh ||
The mortal does not think of the Lord; he is blinded by the wine of Maya.

kahu naanak har bhajan bin parath thaahi jam fandhh ||31||
Says Nanak, without meditating on the Lord, he is caught in the noose of Death. ||31||

sukh mai bahu sangee bheae dhukh mai sang n koe ||
In good times, there are many companions around, but in bad times, there is no one at all.

kahu naanak har bhaj manaa anth sehaaee hoe ||32||
Says Nanak, vibrate, and meditate on the Lord; He shall be your only Help and Support in the end. ||32||

janam janam bharamath firiou mittiou n jam ko thraas ||
Mortals wander lost and confused through countless lifetimes; their fear of death is never removed.

kahu naanak har bhaj manaa nirabhai paavehi baas ||33||
Says Nanak, vibrate and meditate on the Lord, and you shall dwell in the Fearless Lord. ||33||

jathan bahuth mai kar rehiou mittiou n man ko maan ||
I have tried so many things, but the pride of my mind has not been dispelled.

dhuramath sio naanak fadhhiou raakh laehu bhagavaan ||34||
I am engrossed in evil-mindedness, Nanak. O God, please save me! ||34||

baal juaanee ar biradhh fun theen avasathhaa jaan ||
Childhood, youth and old age – know these as the three stages of life.

kahu naanak har bhajan bin birathhaa sabh hee maan ||35||
Says Nanak, without meditating on the Lord, everything is useless; you must appreciate this. ||35||

karano hutho s naa keeou pariou lobh kai fandhh ||
You have not done what you should have done; you are entangled in the web of greed.

naanak samiou ram gaeiou ab kio rovath andhh ||36||
Nanak, your time is past and gone; why are you crying now, you blind fool? ||36||

man maaeiaa mai ram rehiou nikasath naahin meeth ||
The mind is absorbed in Maya – it cannot escape it, my friend.

naanak moorath chithr jio shhaaddith naahin bheeth ||37||
Nanak, it is like a picture painted on the wall – it cannot leave it. ||37||

nar chaahath kashh aour aourai kee aourai bhee ||
The man wishes for something, but something different happens.

chithavath rehiou thagour naanak faasee gal paree ||38||
He plots to deceive others, O Nanak, but he places the noose around his own neck instead. ||38||

jathan bahuth sukh kae keeeae dhukh ko keeou n koe ||
People make all sorts of efforts to find peace and pleasure, but no one tries to earn pain.

kahu naanak sun rae manaa har bhaavai so hoe ||39||
Says Nanak, listen, mind: whatever pleases God comes to pass. ||39||

jagath bhikhaaree firath hai sabh ko dhaathaa raam ||
The world wanders around begging, but the Lord is the Giver of all.

kahu naanak man simar thih pooran hovehi kaam ||40||
Says Nanak, meditate in remembrance on Him, and all your works will be successful. ||40||

jhoothai maan kehaa karai jag supanae jio jaan ||
Why do you take such false pride in yourself? You must know that the world is just a dream.

ein mai kashh thaero nehee naanak kehiou bakhaan ||41||
None of this is yours; Nanak proclaims this truth. ||41||

garab karath hai dhaeh ko binasai shhin mai meeth ||
You are so proud of your body; it shall perish in an instant, my friend.

jihi praanee har jas kehiou naanak thihi jag jeeth ||42||
That mortal who chants the Praises of the Lord, O Nanak, conquers the world. ||42||

jih ghatt simaran raam ko so nar mukathaa jaan ||
That person, who meditates in remembrance on the Lord in his heart, is liberated – know this well.

thihi nar har anthar nehee naanak saachee maan ||43||
There is no difference between that person and the Lord: O Nanak, accept this as the Truth. ||43||

eaek bhagath bhagavaan jih praanee kai naahi man ||
That person, who does not feel devotion to God in his mind

jaisae sookar suaan naanak maano thaahi than ||44||
– O Nanak, know that his body is like that of a pig, or a dog. ||44||

suaamee ko grihu jio sadhaa suaan thajath nehee nith ||
A dog never abandons the home of his master.

naanak eih bidhh har bhajo eik man hue eik chith ||45||
O Nanak, in just the same way, vibrate, and meditate on the Lord, single-mindedly, with one-pointed consciousness. ||45||

theerathh barath ar dhaan kar man mai dhharai gumaan ||
Those who make pilgrimages to sacred shrines, observe ritualistic fasts and make donations to charity while still taking pride in their minds

naanak nihafal jaath thih jio kunchar eisanaan ||46||
– O Nanak, their actions are useless, like the elephant, who takes a bath, and then rolls in the dust. ||46||

sir kanpiou pag ddagamagae nain joth thae heen ||
The head shakes, the feet stagger, and the eyes become dull and weak.

kahu naanak eih bidhh bhee thoo n har ras leen ||47||
Says Nanak, this is your condition. And even now, you have not savored the sublime essence of the Lord. ||47||​

nij kar dhaekhiou jagath mai ko kaahoo ko naahi ||
I had looked upon the world as my own, but no one belongs to anyone else.

naanak thhir har bhagath hai thih raakho man maahi ||48||
O Nanak, only devotional worship of the Lord is permanent; enshrine this in your mind. ||48||

jag rachanaa sabh jhooth hai jaan laehu rae meeth ||
The world and its affairs are totally false; know this well, my friend.

kehi naanak thhir naa rehai jio baaloo kee bheeth ||49||
Says Nanak, it is like a wall of sand; it shall not endure. ||49||

raam gaeiou raavan gaeiou jaa ko bahu paravaar ||
Raam Chand passed away, as did Raawan, even though he had lots of relatives.

kahu naanak thhir kashh nehee supanae jio sansaar ||50||
Says Nanak, nothing lasts forever; the world is like a dream. ||50||

chinthaa thaa kee keejeeai jo anehonee hoe ||
People become anxious, when something unexpected happens.

eihu maarag sansaar ko naanak thhir nehee koe ||51||
This is the way of the world, O Nanak; nothing is stable or permanent. ||51||

jo oupajiou so binas hai paro aaj kai kaal ||
Whatever has been created shall be destroyed; everyone shall perish, today or tomorrow.

naanak har gun gaae lae shhaadd sagal janjaal ||52||
O Nanak, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and give up all other entanglements. ||52||

dhoharaa ||

bal shhuttakiou bandhhan parae kashhoo n hoth oupaae ||
My strength is exhausted, and I am in bondage; I cannot do anything at all.

kahu naanak ab outt har gaj jio hohu sehaae ||53||
Says Nanak, now, the Lord is my Support; He will help me, as He did the elephant. ||53||

bal hoaa bandhhan shhuttae sabh kishh hoth oupaae ||
My strength has been restored, and my bonds have been broken; now, I can do everything.

naanak sabh kishh thumarai haathh mai thum hee hoth sehaae ||54||
Nanak: everything is in Your hands, Lord; You are my Helper and Support. ||54||

sang sakhaa sabh thaj geae kooo n nibehiou saathh ||
My associates and companions have all deserted me; no one remains with me.

kahu naanak eih bipath mai ttaek eaek raghunaathh ||55||
Says Nanak, in this tragedy, the Lord alone is my Support. ||55||

naam rehiou saadhhoo rehiou rehiou gur gobindh ||
The Naam remains; the Holy Saints remain; the Guru, the Lord of the Universe, remains.

kahu naanak eih jagath mai kin japiou gur manth ||56||
Says Nanak, how rare are those who chant the Guru’s Mantra in this world. ||56||

raam naam our mai gehiou jaa kai sam nehee koe ||
I have enshrined the Lord’s Name within my heart; there is nothing equal to it.

jih simarath sankatt mittai dharas thuhaaro hoe ||57||1||
Meditating in remembrance on it, my troubles are taken away; I have received the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. ||57||1||